About Us
About Us
PSCL (Process Solutions) has been working with the cement industry for almost four decades. Our ongoing relationships with the industry have made us what we are today:
- We have the No. 1 loading system in North America
- Our loading systems are responsible for over half the cement shipped in North America
- We have deployed over 60 cement laboratory systems in cement plants around the world
- We are a pioneer in the analysis and tracking of waste material in alternative fuel streams
- Our distributed control system has been running sites with critical processes continuously for over 35 years
- We do business with 28 producers in 18 countries
We don’t rest on our laurels. In 2017, we embarked on a journey of transformation both inside and out. The evolution of our brand reflects that.
The centrepiece of our new identity reflects how we have been successful in the past, and signals our renewed focus moving forward into the future.
We connect processes and add value in the way we do it.
The value we deliver is the sum of:
- Our people
- Our experience in the cement industry
- Our technology
- Our commitment
We work with you so you can Work smarter.™

Message from the President
My career in software and automation started at Process Solutions in 1996. I have held a number of positions within the company, and learned the business from the ground up. I’ve also had the opportunity to gain experience working with similar tools in other industries around the world. Coming home to PSCL allowed me to implement my instincts to build a better industry partner and understand at a high level how we have met the challenges our customers face.
Once a bastion of tradition, in recent years PSCL has seen the rate of change in the cement industry increase. The realities of CO2 emissions, industry consolidation, the ever-present need for increased efficiency, and many other challenges have been faced.
At PSCL we have experienced significant growth in manpower and resources as producers worldwide adopted our solutions and expertise to meet their new and existing challenges. That prompted me to have a look at our company with an eye on how we were prepared for future opportunities. What my team and I came up with was relatively simple, and in large part were the things we had always done. We committed to do it better and embarked on a journey to implement continuous improvement.
I want my team to work smarter to help you Work smarter.™
Our Values & Mission
- We will be the enthusiastic choice of our customers
- We will be proactive in everything we do
- We will be stable and scalable
- Our people are empowered and given the tools to be
- Proud of their craft
- Innovative for our customers
- Disruptive to our competitors
- We will passionately build and enhance our solution toolbox with world-class service and field-proven technologies
- We will enjoy the journey together
— Matthew Furry