Self-Service Loading

PSCL is the leader in cement-loading systems in North America. We’re responsible for 50% of the cement shipped every year, and over one-half-billion tonnes of cement since we began.
PSCL’s Order Management and Loading Management combine to solve the problems unique to our industry.
The Ultimate in Plant Automation Delivers Maximum Capacity
“Wouldn’t it be great if we had a system that was so foolproof that the drivers could load themselves?”
Out of this basic idea PSCL’s Self-Service Loading (SSL) was born. Drivers load up earlier and later in unattended mode allowing them to avoid heavy traffic patterns. In areas with multiple options for purchasing cement, transport companies go out of their way to load product at locations with SSL installed.
K5 – Built for Any Environment on Earth

Our design worked out well. We met 810G, and we decided to see where the limits of the kiosk were. With each spec, we went above and beyond anything that we thought could ever be encountered in the cement industry and we succeeded.
By investing in the R&D and listening to our customers’ needs, we’ve avoided having to tack on fixes later. We cost a little more up front, but our cost of ownership is considerably lower. Everyone at PSCL, everyone on my team, we stay focussed on what will serve our clients best.
To learn more about the history of the K-series program and specific details of the K5’s impressive testing performance, please have a look at this article.

Driver Check-In
Track access for DHS and Coast Guard reporting
Signal equipment startup – save energy in non peak periods

Alley Control
NTEP scale-zero functions
Improve efficiency and safety with spout alignment aids

Shipment Start
Sales and marketing flexibility; driver may select from contract repeating orders or single-use pin shipments

Product selection is controlled by the system
Cleanout cycles and flow control are managed by the system to meet environmental/permit requirements

Shipment Documentation
Fully-legal-for-trade interface
Flexible bill of lading (BOL) customizations to meet enterprise and local requirements
System will print copies of BOL in remote office and email BOL to customer/carrier

Delayed loading or exit may trigger alarms

Transaction Completion
No lost paper
Error reduction
Reduce delays in billing